The most important thing in world events during my early life was WWII. I was born just weeks before the bombing at Pearl Harbor. Even through I was too young to remember the war it was bad for my family, because my oldest brother joined the Navy. He was stationed in the Pacific on a ship. I can barely remember when he would come home. He would bring me presents. Once he brought me a grass (actually yarn) skirt and grass shoes from Hawaii. I was about 4 0r 5 and I remember going to a friend's house and playing in a sawdust pile. The skirt was ruined but I still have the shoes. My Dad was a Democrat through and through. I never remember him even considering voting for anyone else. I have always considered myself to be an independent person. To me the party did not mean anything, I always supported the person's views that were closest to mine. My Dad would say, "If you lived through the Great Depression like we did you would feel the same way I do." I remember once voting for a local area candidate running for Governor who was a Republican and he was so upset with me! After that I just refused to tell him who I voted for! I loved him dearly but I guess we were both stubborn and didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things!
The pictures are of my brother, Elgen Berry Fell, Jr. and myself, made in the early 1940's.
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