My youngest sister is twelve years older than me. Her name was Virginia but to me she was and has always been Darter. My mother said when she was born my older brother would try to say she was a "darling" but he couldn't pronounce it correctly and it came out as Darter and all the family called her that. I was five years old when we moved from Alabama to Mississippi and instead of moving with us she married and stayed in Alabama. All of my brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws were just like brothers and sisters because I can barely remember when they were not a member of my family! Darter and her family built a house in the Ford City community of Colbert County, Alabama to be close to her inlaws. They still live in that same house today. My sister had three boys and a girl in five years. She always used to say she was going to have a girl and after that she quit! When they were in high school, she had a son in 12th, a son in 11th, a son in 10th and a daughter in the eighth grade. Each summer starting when I was in grammar school she would come and get me as soon as school was out and I would go and spend two weeks. I looked forward to it all winter. We would go to the drive in movie and on picnics and I could play with all the kids in the neighborhood. I would usually go a couple more times in the summer, but the best time was when school was first out. Now she is the only one I really have left who knows me. My oldest sister, Gladys, died of cancer in 1968 at the age of 44, and my other sister, Polly, is in a retirement home with Alzheimers and is over a hundred miles away. I miss my sisters and even through our lives took different paths, they were always there for me and I love them so much!
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